Universities, where are the best ones and how much do they cost?

Lto the fame of American universities, from Princeton to Harvard, from Columbia to Yale, it is known. She is deserved. But joining the elite ranks of students at these legendary universities is also very, very expensive. The cost is around 27,000 euros a year and it is estimated that 19 years of work are needed to repay the loans taken out for the taxes. Quality is not lacking England, which follows the USA in 2nd place in the Education Price Index. The university ranking drawn up by N26 online bank. But here too the cost of university fees is considerable: around 11,500 euros per year. And 12 years of work are needed to compensate for the expenses incurred.

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Universities, where are the best ones and how much do they cost? Italy is in 14th place (and that’s not bad)

European countries are lower in the ranking. Also for the costs necessary to attend university. A few days before the start of the new academic year, many Italian students will be consoled by knowing that their country’s university, which is decidedly more sustainable from an economic point of view, is by no means of a low standard. In fact, Italy ranks 14th. In our country you spend less than 100% to graduate 2,800 euros per year, so 4 years of work are sufficient to pay off the “debt”. Within the European Union, the quality of Italian universities is inferior only to Germany, whose universities take 6th place in the study’s ranking. Boasting, among other things, great economic convenience with a cost of around €500. Germans, therefore, only take a year to repay their university fees.

In Spain and France graduating costs approximately €4,800 and €2,700 respectively (approximately 8 and 4 years to repay your studies) for each academic year. And the universities are awarded in order the 23rd and 15th place in the Index developed by N26.

The universities of Indonesia, Bulgaria and Argentina close the ranking regarding the quality of the educational offer. Here to attend one of the degree courses mentioned it is necessary to spend 2,300 euros, 666 euros and 925 euros respectively each year, costs which are repaid in order in 9, 1 and 2 years of work.

The Education Price Index was developed by the online bank N26 by analyzing the quality of the training offer and the annual cost of degree courses in the faculties of Medicine, Nursing, Law, Civil Engineering, Software Development and Education Sciences in 50 countries around the world .

