Universities: Any form of inappropriate behavior is unacceptable

In a pact with Mariëtte Hamer, the government commissioner against sexual violence, student organizations promise to do more against sexually transgressive behaviour. That is a good development, says Universities of the Netherlands, the umbrella organization of the fourteen universities.

Any form of undesirable behaviour, such as sexual or other forms of intimidation, aggression, bullying or discrimination, is unacceptable to Dutch universities. Students must feel safe during their studies and student days, both inside and outside the university,” says the association.

Eleven interest groups of students at universities, colleges and MBOs signed thirty agreements on Thursday. They did this with the government commissioner against sexual violence, Mariëtte Hamer. For example, they will train board members to recognize misconduct and record how reports are handled.

‘Concrete handles’

The agreements provide students and their organizations with “concrete tools”, according to Universities of the Netherlands. “The universities attach great importance to a socially safe environment and every incident of transgressive behavior is one too many.”

Chairman Elisa Weehuizen of the national student union LSVb says that student organizations “often do not have the right resources to effectively tackle sexually transgressive behavior and sexual violence”. “When a student experiences sexually transgressive behavior or sexual violence, they are in an extremely vulnerable position,” said the chairman. ,,Until now it was often unclear for them and student organizations what steps they could take. That is why this pact is so essential.”

Weehuizen is “very hopeful that people will take up this pact” because student organizations “need to know more about the subject”. Weehuizen hopes that because of the “very concrete” handles of the pact, students and organizations know “what kind of reporting and complaints procedures there are and who you can turn to for aftercare”.


Prevention is also important, she says. “Student organizations must also know what to do to organize a safe party,” said the LSVb chairman.
