Universiteit Gent welcomes students from Russia

The rector vindt dat he onvoldoende garanties zijn dat students het hele semester op een veilige manner zullen zullen in Russia. There were also practical problems, such as the risk of problems with bank transactions and communication via social media, which were addressed by the decision-making motive.

“The UGent is not yet overgegaan tot het schrappen van academic same works with Russian partners. We respect international student knowledge with Russian guest positions in the relevant context, which is not possible”, says the Gentse universiteit.

Ongeveer 150 students and 66 persons led by the UGent hebben de Russian, Oekraïense of Wit-Russian nationality. So he studies 100-tal Russian students at the UGent and he works 40 Russian personeelsleden. 39 students and 25 people held the Oekraïense nationality. Tien students en één personeelslid komen uit Wit-Russia.


The work of the Russia platform, an organization that brought together all sorts of disciplines, states “not to discuss it”, had the university lead in the beginning of the week. Stocks of academic same workings with Russian partners have been foreseen and never stopped.
