unitex Fashion Festival – the fashion event of the year!

On May 31st and June 1st, the Ulm trade fair will be the ultimate meeting place for the entire fashion industry: the unitex Fashion Festival will open its doors. New this year: All fashion retailers are invited – not just unitex members!

“It’s about exchange, it’s about well-being, partnership and good vibes,” explains Gerhard Albrecht, Managing Director of unitex GmbH. “The fashion industry has not been able to meet physically for so long. We all miss that.” How much the industry longs for personal exchange can be seen not only in the large number of registrations from guests, but also in the many exhibition partners from the fashion and service sectors. “We are overwhelmed by the response – everything from A to Z is included!”

The supporting program is also impressive: At the beginning of the official FashionFair, bestselling author Maike van den Boom reveals the secret of happiness and the following day, futurologist Prof. Dr. Ulrich Reinhardt, why we can look forward to the future – scientifically based. But the absolute highlight is the party evening with DJane 2Elements and Tim Bendzko live on stage!

Image: unitex GmbH

Another special feature this year: not only unitex members are invited, but all fashion retailers. “The idea originally came from our exhibition partners,” explains Gerhard Albrecht. “Again and again the question came up as to whether they might not be allowed to invite their regular customers.” An understandable request, after all, the suppliers and service providers have hardly had the opportunity to present their portfolio live in recent times.

Unitex was happy to comply with this request: “We really look forward to every guest – no fashion retailer should miss this event!” Register now.

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Image: unitex GmbH

About unitex

unitex GmbH is a modern service network for fashion retail with a focus on digitization and innovation. More than 800 members at over 1,800 locations in Germany and Austria are affiliated with the unitex group. The total sales area of ​​all unitex members is currently over 1 million square meters. More than 500 suppliers play a large part in the success of the growing unitex fashion community. As the only German association in the textile sector, unitex has a bank-secured central settlement – in partnership with RSB-Retail + Service Bank GmbH.
