unitex Fashion Festival 2022: The fashion event 2022

In just under two weeks, the time has come: On May 31st and June 1st, the Ulm trade fair will open its doors to the unitex FashionFestval 2022. The rush to the first physical event of the fashion industry this year is huge – the planned exhibition area has to be enlarged will!

“We knew from our preliminary talks that the fashion suppliers and service providers were dying to finally be able to present their portfolio live to the fashion trade again. But we were pleasantly surprised by the high number of exhibitor registrations,” says Gerhard Albrecht, Managing Director of unitex GmbH. “That’s why we have now almost doubled the originally planned exhibition area.” And the quantity of the exhibition partners is impressive. Everything is included from A to Z.

The rush from fashion retailers is also huge: “You can tell that the industry is longing for a physical event – we all had to wait that long to finally meet again and exchange ideas.” In this aspect, it is of course also about business, current collections, inspiration and information.

And it’s also about having fun together. That’s why the guests can look forward to an exuberant party program in the evening: Tim Bendzko live on stage! After the concert, DJane 2elements will continue to heat up the atmosphere. “We look forward to an evening together with a lot of good vibes and exuberance in a very special atmosphere.” Length.

The unofficial motto of the event is “Community, Happiness, Good Vibes”. Of course, the two key notes also take this into account. At the start of the Fashion Fair, bestselling author Maike van den Boom will reveal the secret of happiness. And the following day, futurologist Prof. Dr. Ulrich Reinhardt told the excited audience why the future has good things in store for us – scientifically sound. To ensure that hunger or thirst does not cloud the mood, unitex invites all guests to food trends from all over the world: “It’s on us.”

The unitex fashion community is already looking forward to the event. But the response from those who are not (yet) members is huge. “We are very happy about the large number of registrations – no fashion retailer wants to miss this event!”

Short Facts

unitex is a modern service network for fashion retail with a focus on digitization and innovation.

More than 800 members at over 1,800 locations in Germany and Austria are connected to the unitex group.

The total sales area of ​​all unitex members is currently over 1 million square meters.

More than 500 suppliers play a large part in the success of the growing unitex fashion community.

As the only German association in the textile sector, unitex has a bank-secured central settlement – in partnership with RSB – Retail + Service Bank GmbH
