United States will spend 46 billion dollars for humanitarian aid in 2024: “Sombere vooruitzichten” | Buitenland

The United States will spend 46.4 billion dollars for humanitarian aid in 2024. The organization will provide 181 million people in sea and 70 countries to help.

Conflicts, climate disasters, economically verval… de vooruitzichten voor 2024 zijn “summer”, warschuwen de VN vandaag. In total, there will be 300 million meals for the following year. The VN will have to include real judges, op 180.5 million of people, then the rest will be supported by NGOs and other organizations in the affected countries.

Zonder voldoende financiering “zullen mensen met hun leven betalen”, waarschuwen de VN. Op verzoek van grote donoren zijn de budgetten aangscherpt om de nadruk te leggen op ‘levensreddende hulp’ Rechtstreeks aan dining halls and minder on development activities. This shows Martin Griffiths, the humanitarian aid of the VN. “He is an enormously exciting person” from the funds that the regeringen kunnen toewijzen te evenaren.

Operations land in 72

“Humanitaire hulpverleners redden levens, bestrijden honger, beschermen childrenen, warpen epidemiceën en bieden onderdak en sanitaire voorzieningen in de meest onmenselijke situations”, aldus nog Griffiths. “Maar de steun of the international community is never even spoken with the behoeften.” The UN had a budget for 2023 for 56.7 billion dollars a year, but only 35 percent of the money was paid.

The proposal for donations for the following year is court on the financing of operations in 72 countries: 26 countries in crisis and 46 buildings in the lijden onder de volgen, zoals de instroom van vluchtelingen. Het gaat in the first places of Syria (4.4 billion dollars), government of Ukraine (3.1 billion dollars), Afghanistan (3 billion dollars), Ethiopia (2.9 billion dollars) and Yemen (2.8 million dollars ).

VN secretary general Antonio Guterres is head of the VN Veiligheidsraad. © ANP / EPA
