Unique sustainable production line for facing brick slips

Unique sustainable production line for facing brick slips

The Flemish minister of housing and real estate, Matthias Diependaele, will also come to see the new production line in Kortemark. The thin strips are increasingly replacing traditional bricks, especially in prefab construction. They are thinner and lighter and allow for thicker insulation.

Wienerberger only uses green energy for computer-controlled production. Climate-friendly, and in these times of crisis, the line also helps to keep production costs affordable.

“What does that mean CO2-neutral? That today we no longer fire our kiln and dryer with gas, but completely with electricity. On the one hand, it comes via solar panels, on the other hand green electricity.113935 This strip line is actually the most sustainable line we have because the strip is 2 cm. The extreme form of dematerialization: less clay, less energy. The most extreme form of production”says Caroline Van De Velde, CEO Wienerberger Belgium.
