Unions reach collective labor agreement for KLM ground staff

Trade unions FNV and CNV have reached a collective labor agreement with KLM for the airline’s ground staff. It is now up to the members of the association to agree to this. If they do that, the previously threatened strikes will be definitively averted, according to CNV negotiator Souleiman Amallah. FNV director David van de Geer speaks of a “wonderful proposal”.

Previously, FNV and CNV threatened to take action among ground staff because collective labor negotiations had reached an impasse. The unions gave KLM an ultimatum, but just before the deadline expired, both unions decided to resume talks. With results.

9 percent

Amallah is satisfied with the agreements. He praises the willingness to take action of the CNV members, without whom this agreement would not have been achieved. “By standing up for themselves and for each other, they will now receive a pay increase that does justice to their commitment to KLM,” said the trade unionist. “I am pleased that the employer is finally showing its appreciation for them with this result.”

According to the agreements made, their wages will increase by 135 euros as of September, in proportion to the length of employment. Salaries will increase by 6 percent on October 1, followed by another 3 percent increase on July 1 next year. The staff will also receive a one-off payment of 500 euros gross in January 2024.
