Union striker Behrens dreams of Milan, Madrid and…

From BZ/dpa

Two years ago Kevin Behrens (32) celebrated his debut in the Bundesliga. The native of Bremen is now one of the top performers at 1. FC Union.

Before the start of the season on Sunday (3.30 p.m. / DAZN) against Mainz, BZ spoke to the attacker Behrens about the upcoming season, his new storm competitor Kevin Vollandon the Champions League and his aversion to social media.

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Hertha: Mr. Behrens, what can you expect from Union in the new season?

Behrens: A lot! I think we have strengthened. But of course it will be difficult to improve the table again. We have to get back into that kind of flow, then something can develop.

Robin Gosens has just been signed. your impression of him?

It’s amazing that players like this choose us. The boy has quality, definitely helps us. He makes a likeable, nice impression and tries to get involved right away.

Volland? That doesn’t change anything for me

How do you see the transfer of Kevin Volland. He plays exactly in their position…

Another player with a good history and quality. It is clear that the competition will not decrease. Well, I’m happy, but that doesn’t change anything for me. I keep pushing and doing everything I can to get my minutes.

What do your dream opponents in the Champions League actually look like?

AC Milan or Inter Milan? That would be something nice. Real Madrid would be cool too. Maybe Arsenal.

Overview in the Olympiastadion Berlin with red lighting before the game between 1. FC Union Berlin and Kuopion PS

Union plays its Champions League duels in the Olympic Stadium Photo: City Press

Is moving to the Olympic Stadium a disadvantage?

I think so, but I understand the club. More fans have the opportunity to watch a game live. But of course it would definitely be much more difficult for the opponents in the old forester’s house.

BZ recently wrote that you are the number 1 striker at Union. Are you going with me?

I don’t know if I’m number 1 now. I was allowed to start against Bergamo and Sunday in Waldorf.

In top form: Kevin Behrens and Rani Khedira from Union Berlin

Kevin Behrens, here with Rani Khedira, is nicknamed “Machine”. Where the name comes from is obvious Photo: dpa/picture-alliance

SYou only came to the Bundesliga at the age of 30. Have you gotten any better in the last two years?

If you look back over the last few years, you can say that I’ve actually always improved. I’ve gotten faster when it comes to understanding the game. The first contact is cleaner. I believe that I can assess situations better and faster. As a result, I’m often in a better position than I was a year or two ago.

At 25, the chances would be greater

Do you sometimes curse your age? Football Germany and the national team are desperately looking for center forwards…

I’ll put it this way: At 25 my chances would definitely be higher.

You are not active on social media. Why?

Because I personally see no point in it. It’s too distracting. I do not need that. I see it with some teammates how much time it takes. Actually for nothing.

Goalscorer Kevin Volland

Goalscorer Kevin Volland is likely to be Kevin Behrens’ biggest competitor Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa

But you know what Tik Tok or Twitch is…?

I’m not walking blindly through the world. I also watch TV and have my own phone (laughs). I use WhatsApp extensively to keep in touch with my closest friends and family.

Which app besides WhatsApp do you use the most?

Spotify I would say. I often listen to music. Or take radio plays for the children.

Robin Gosens in his new work clothes

Kevin Behrens is excited about signing Robin Gosens Photo: Union Berlin

What kind of music do you listen to?

Hip hop, German rap. Actually across the board.

Are you one of the booth DJs?

Now we have a wide range. I believe Rouss (Jerome Roussillon – d. editor) has now taken over the last two three times. But otherwise everyone is in the pits and can make a few songs. But if something really terrible happens, then it will be communicated loudly. Or simply times the box identified.

How often does it happen?

From Beck’s (Sheraldo Becker – d. editor) the music has already been removed once or twice (laughs). Or if French music comes on too often or for too long, people sometimes push it away.

Would you say you’ve moved up the team hierarchy?

That has definitely changed. In the beginning I was always the one who came in, who stepped on the gas. Of course, the boys honored and accepted that.

You were recently warned by the DFB because you were holding a pyro torch on the stadium balcony after the last game last season. Were you surprised?

Those are emotions, you get a torch in your hand… Well, I’m glad I was only admonished and not banned, for example. Olli (Manager Oliver Ruhnert – d. editor) called me while I was on vacation and said they might even want to ban me for two games. At first I thought he was kidding me. But it didn’t turn out that way. Of course I wouldn’t do it again.

What does Kevin Behrens actually do after his career?

Good question. Maybe I’ll do my trainer’s license or become an athletic trainer – something along those lines. No idea. We’ll see what time brings.
