Union plans 100 million euro attack on Europe

By Matthew Koch

President Dirk Zingler plans higher spending. Coach Urs Fischer is hoping for a sensation against Ajax Amsterdam.

Union on the way to the greatest success in the club’s history. If the Irons are on Thursday (6.45 p.m., RTL +) in the playoff first leg against world club Ajax Amsterdam and are then successful in the second leg, the next stage of success would have been ignited by reaching the round of 16 of the Europa League.

Union in the heights. And President Dirk Zingler (58) is also planning higher and further, announcing the attack on Europe and the Bundesliga by millions.

Zingler in the current SportBILD: “We are all in the process of preparing for the 2023 summer transfer period together. We are in the middle of an investment phase, not only in terms of our transfers.”

In addition to further sporting reinforcements, around 100 million euros flow into the infrastructure, of which 25 million euros into the youth academy.

This is what the old forester's house should look like.  The capacity increases to 37,000 to 38,000.  It is currently at 22,012

This is what the old forester’s house should look like. The capacity increases to 37,000 to 38,000. It is currently at 22,012 Photo: Union Berlin

Zingler keeps pushing Union up. He also sees the quality of his management staff at the forefront. When asked if manager Oliver Ruhnert (51) could also work at Bayern, he says: “Yes, of course he could. But I’m not worried that we’ll lose him to another club.” Zingler is sure that the cooperation with coach Urs Fischer (56) will last for a long time.

The coach sees the Ajax duel as a test run for Union’s possible start in the premier class next season. The Swiss: “For me, this is a Champions League team. Highly talented with one or the other difference player. It would be a sensation for me if we made it through.”

Fischer, Ruhnert, Zingler – the trio can lay the foundation for the next windfall in the games against Amsterdam. If Union survives the intermediate round, another 500,000 euros will be awarded. Fuel for the million-dollar attack of the iron.
