Union demands relief for the Berlin emergency rescuers

From BZ/dpa

The police union (GdP) demands consequences in view of the difficult situation in the emergency rescue in Berlin.

Union: Politics must be active in emergency rescue
This year, the emergency rescue service has been declared 167 times by the Berlin fire brigade. On Sunday night it lasted 16 hours,” said the Berlin GdP on Tuesday, which also represents the interests of firefighters.

“Yesterday it was 6:17 p.m. sharp. Not a single ambulance was available for almost four million people in the capital.” For years, the union has been warning of the increasing burden on the fire brigade and is calling on politicians to finally act now.

The GdP criticizes, among other things, too many missions because of trivial cases: “If you are sitting in the ambulance in the evening and driving across the city from the ingrown toenail to the small paper cut, you will no longer be surprised if the next state of emergency is declared again,” says GdP – State Board of Directors Oliver Mertens. “Emergency patients are people who are in a life-threatening condition or who are at risk of serious health damage if they do not receive appropriate medical attention promptly. That’s not the sour milk.”

Causality can never be established beyond doubt. “But the fact is that people will die if no RTW is available,” warned Mertens. The trade union therefore called for measures to relieve the strain, among other things, the expansion of the network of qualified first aiders, so-called first responders, compulsory first aid courses in secondary school and prioritization of ambulance deployments depending on the condition of the emergency patients.

Cases in which there is a danger to life should be given top priority. The GdP is also in favor of a joint patient transport control center for private patient transport companies.
