Union countries and Baden-Württemberg for asylum procedures outside Europe

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The federal states led by the CDU, CSU and the Greens are in favor of carrying out asylum procedures outside of Europe. With this common demand, the group wants to go into further negotiations between the federal and state governments this Monday afternoon in Berlin, as the German Press Agency learned. It was initially unclear whether asylum seekers should be returned from Germany to these countries or whether they should be able to apply for protection there before entering Germany.

In the morning, the states led by the CDU, CSU and the Greens met, then there were consultations with the federal states led by the SPD and the Left. In the afternoon, the Prime Ministers will meet with Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).

The states led by the CDU and CSU as well as Baden-Württemberg with Green Party Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann also want to revitalize the EU-Turkey agreement to limit migration, accelerate asylum procedures for people from countries with very little prospect of protection in this country and allow family members to join them so-called persons entitled to subsidiary protection – these are, for example, people who are allowed to stay in Germany because a civil war is raging in their country of origin.

The group also wants to tighten asylum laws to prevent abuse and stop voluntary federal admission programs, with the exception of the program to accept local German workers from Afghanistan. The states also want to achieve increased controls on German borders and reduced benefits for asylum seekers, as well as harsher penalties for demonstrations that glorify violence. The interior ministers should develop a proposal to make it easier for criminals to lose their protection in Germany and be deported. A cross-party commission should therefore develop proposals for controlling migration and improving integration./hrz/DP/ngu
