Union controls Taiwo Awoniyi from 5000 kilometers away

After losing the Africa Cup of Nations on Sunday with Nigeria, Taiwo Awoniyi (24) is enjoying a few days off at home. Despite a distance of 5000 kilometers, the Irons keep an eye on their striker. Awoniyi has received a written running plan to ensure he comes back in top shape.

Trainer Urs Fischer (55): “Martin Krüger (Union’s fitness coach – ed.) followed him, it was about control.” The Swiss continued: “Taiwo received a program from Martin for the days he got additional time off.” Fischer is convinced: “He’s in the juice.”

Awoniyi shouldn’t lose much of his form. After all, Union’s top scorer (nine goals in the Bundesliga) trained with the national team and started in three of the four tournament games. He was able to advertise himself in Cameroon, against Sudan (3-1) he even scored for Nigeria for the first time.

Fischer: “He was doing well, did very well, got playing time and stayed in rhythm.” That’s why Union gave him a few extra days off to meet family and friends in Ilorin, home. The “Super Eagles” started preparing for the tournament on December 27th.

also read

►After Africa Cup: Awoniyi in Union team training from Monday

►Union virtues make Taiwo Awoniyi strong

The striker should land back in Berlin on Saturday. If the corona test is negative, Awoniyi will return to team training on Monday. The Union professionals enjoy three days off until Sunday.


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