Union accidentally announce transfer of Leweling

In the 1:1 Fürths at the end of April in the Alte Försterei, Jamie Leweling (left against Prömel) played until the 84th minute Photo: dpa picture alliance

By Sebastian Karkos

On Tuesday, the Iron Ones were in a particular hurry…

At around 2 p.m., the news of Jamie Leweling’s (21) commitment appeared on Union’s homepage for a few minutes. Obviously a mistake. Because she was quickly taken down again. At 4.30 p.m. the second attempt was successful and the transfer became official.

According to reports, the Fürth will sign until 2026. It costs around four million euros, which makes the offensive man the record departure for the Franks – and the second most expensive entry for the Köpenicker. Only Taiwo Awoniyi (24/Liverpool) cost more in 2021: 6.5 million euros.

Due to his age, with an average of 28.7 years, Union was the oldest team in the league, and the fee (the Irons prefer free transfer professionals) makes this transfer stand out. Union believes in Leweling’s potential.

► Born in Nuremberg, he is considered a top talent, is lightning fast, tricky, and physically robust.

► Fürth manager Rachid Azzouzi (51): “Jamie is one of the outstanding players of his year.”

► Leweling is considered the winner of the season despite Fürth’s desolate descent at the end. Curious: In the promotion year 2020/21 he was in a performance hole. The reason given by the German-Ghanaian: “You can see that as a type of player I like the first division more than the second.”


Jamie Leweling Union transfers
