UNICEF: More than 1 million children have fled Ukraine

Foreign ministers Russia and Ukraine meet on Thursday

The foreign ministers of Russia and Ukraine will meet on Thursday in the company of their Turkish counterparts in the Turkish resort of Antalya. It is the first meeting between top officials of the two countries since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine two weeks ago.

Ukraine’s foreign minister Dmitro Koeleba said on Wednesday that his expectations are low, Reuters news agency reported. He does not think a ceasefire or any other breakthrough will be negotiated on Thursday. He also called on his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov to start talks in good faith.

Russia, in turn, says it is ready to negotiate. However, the country is sticking to all its demands in order to end the aggression, Russia still speaks of ‘special military operations’. For example, Ukraine must agree to a neutral status and renounce membership of international alliances, such as NATO.

US import ban on Russian oil and gas

The US House of Representatives on Wednesday approved an import ban on oil and gas from Russia. This is reported by Reuters news agency. The law from which the ban stems also makes it possible to review Russia’s membership of the World Trade Organization.

Energy prices are likely to rise further as a result of the ban. The Biden administration has issued permits to drill more for oil in the United States, the US website writes The Hill† The US is the world’s largest oil producer. The country also gets oil from Canada.

President Joe Biden announced the initiative on Tuesday. In the end, 414 Delegates voted in favor and 17 against (two Democrats, 15 Republicans). The delegates did, however, refrain from taking a measure that would have resulted in an increase in tariffs on imports of other Russian products.

News overview: more than a million children have fled and worries about nuclear power plant

These are the main developments from Tuesday evening and the night from Tuesday to Wednesday:

  • Spacious one million children have fled Ukraine because of the war in their country, UNICEF reports. So far, 37 children have died and 50 children have been injured in the war in Ukraine. These are confirmed cases and the actual number may be higher.
  • The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) no longer receives data from the captured by Russian troops nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhya† On Tuesday, the agency also received no data from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant for some time.
  • The European Parliament wants EU countries to stop issuing so-called golden passports† Member States such as Malta, Cyprus and Bulgaria, among others, give wealthy oligarchs from Russia passports when they invest in their country. The EU wants to put an end to that.

House of Representatives agrees to $13.6 billion bailout package

The US House of Representatives agreed on Wednesday evening on an emergency aid package worth $13.6 billion for Ukraine. Which writes the New York Times† Half of the package will go to humanitarian aid, the other half to the Pentagon to cover the cost of military aid to Ukraine.

For example, the package covers the costs of deploying American troops in Europe, but also pays for arms supplies and intelligence support for Ukraine. “The brave, freedom-loving people of Ukraine and our allies in the region will soon receive necessary investment to fight the illegal and immoral invasion of Vladimir Putin and the Russians,” said Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, presidents of the Senate and House of Representatives. delegates.

The Senate is expected to approve the emergency package. This should be done in the coming days.

UNICEF: More than 1 million children have fled Ukraine

More than 1 million children have fled Ukraine to neighboring countries since the start of the Russian invasion. This was stated by the head of UNICEF on Wednesday, Reuters reported.

At least 37 children have died and 50 children have been injured, UN director Catherine Russell said in a statement. Russell said he was “horrified” by the reported attack on a children’s hospital in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, where the city authorities say patients are buried under rubble despite an agreed ceasefire.

“This attack, if confirmed, underscores the terrible toll this war is taking on Ukrainian children and families,” Russell said. The attack, described by Ukrainian President Zelensky as “an atrocity,” took place despite a ceasefire to allow thousands of people to flee the besieged port city.

In total, more than 2 million people have fled Ukraine since the Russian invasion began on February 24.
