Unfortunately! The party week in Oosterheem is canceled

Bad news for people who were really looking forward to the party week in Oosterheem. The shopping center would celebrate its tenth anniversary from August 31 to September 4. Unfortunately, the party can’t go on at the last minute. Well!

It promised to be an unforgettable week full of fun activities. Children could participate in a baking competition, you could go wild at the fair and there would be a mystery guest come to perform. That of course sounds like a fantastic program, but unfortunately the organization did not receive the correct permits on time. Well, of course it will be difficult.

A new party

But do not be sad. The tenth anniversary will still be celebrated, but in the spring of 2023. The anniversary party will then be even more beautiful and festive and will last the whole year. Yes really! Fortunately, there are fun things to do in Oosterheem until then. An extensive program of activities is already being prepared for the autumn.

Image: Giphy

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