Unfortunately, the extremely right ‘Proud Boys’ group was packed for role in the storming of Capitool | Buitenland

United StatesUnfortunately, the American ‘Proud Boys’ militia, Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, is in Miami packaged for one role before the storming of the Capitool begins in 2021. That reports federal procureur Matthew Graves, who is suffering from the large-scale incident about the storming. ‘Proud Boys’ was considered one of the most important extreme right-wing militaries in the United States. Same with other leden of the organization word of the 38-year-old Tarrio followed by the same name.

Tarrio is a follower of the American President Donald Trump. The militia, unfortunately, was not really accused of annwezigheid tijdens de bestorming, the plaatsvond op het moment dat de parliamentsleden de overwinning van Joe Biden in de presidentsverkiezingen. Wel zou Tarrio volgens de aanklagers “de voorbereidingen vooraf hebben geleid en in contact zijn gebleven met de other ‘Proud Boys’ tijdens hun bestorming van het Capitool”.

Archivebeeld 6 January 2021: de storming of the Capitool. © REUTERS

Op 4 January, the two days before the storming, Tarrio was packed in Washington because his ‘Black Lives Matters’ spandoek aan een kerk had burned. Hij was bijn zijn arrestatie bovendien in het bezit van magazijnen voor wapens zijn verboden in Washington. A day later it will be announced, but Washington will be told what is expected of it. Previous weeks will be given for the feiten tot vijf maanden cel.

It is clear that the Tarrio will not be able to see it from Washington. So he spoke and helped uur with ‘Oath Keepers’-unfortunately Elmer “Stewart” Rhodes. The last will be, net than tien others led by the extreme right militie, begin that year opgepakt in het onderzoek naar de storming. There will be a complaint about the decision, the second will be challenged tot nu toe.

Herbekijk: It was published on January 6, 2021 in the Capitool
