Unfortunately Al Qaeda gedood bij aanval VS in Afghanistan: ‘Justice is gone’

Bekijk: Biden confirms de operatie

The 71-year-old al-Zawahiri was born on the same day he lived on his balcony in the Afghan city of Kabul. “Justice is done, unfortunately the terrorist isn’t there anymore”, said Biden Maandag in a toespraak vanuit het Witte Huis. “We geven nooit op.”

The Amerikaanse president kreeg in April van zijn veiligheidsdiensten te heard that Al-Zawahiri was there in a safe house in Kabul before. Het house will now be in the gates of the house and so will be deported van de terrorists unfortunately brought in kaart. The VS was on the other side of the sea because it was regularly for a longer period of time on the balcony before. Because of this, an American top priority is given. Also, al-Zawahiri’s vrouw and children most often remain.

Het zou zijn gegaan om een ​​aanval met a drone. De Amerikaanse inlichtingendienst zegt met “grote zekerheid” te hebben vastgesteld dat de gedode man inderdaad al-Zawahiri was. In the case of operations, there are many different slachtoffers.

Al-Zawahiri, a doctor and surgeon in Egypt, said Al Qaeda was America’s commando in 2011, Osama bin Laden said in Pakistan. It will be given as the eighth eighth of September 11, 2001 in New York, where there will be 3,000 people in the living room. He stands a price of 25 million dollars (24 million euros) on a roof. Are the dates of September 11th what happened on the vlucht.


Amerikaanse aanklagers accuse al-Zawahiri of not being in charge of the bomaanslag of September 11, 2001, but also of being in charge of the bomaanslag of the Amerikaanse ambassades in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998. Bovendien al-Zawahiri was responsible for the bomaanslag in the Londense openbaar vervoer in 2005, was 52 mensen om het leven kwamen.

According to the American minister of Buitenlandse Zaken, Antony Blinken, the Taliban hebben in 2020 planned Doha agreement ‘op grove wijze’ schonden door al-Zawahiri onderdak and bescherming te provide. In the Doha agreement, there are Taliban and other terrorist groups that threaten the security of the United States, such as Al Qaeda, in Afghanistan.

The Taliban has said nothing about it, but has said in a declaration that it is clear that there is a claim against Kabul. A word is given for the action of the VS. The VS heft de Taliban regering not foreseen for the planning for the drone-aanval op de hoogte gesteld.

Archive photo from 1998 by Ayman al-Zawari.Beeld AP
