“Unfaithful in love: 10 reasons for infidelity in a couple”

Loving relationships face increasingly complex challenges and the shadow of infidelity persists as a disturbing issue and hot in modern couples.

Nowadays people may have different ideas about what constitutes infidelity but in general terms It is a breakdown in trust and lack of loyalty to the pre-established codes with the couple.

Although society tends to be more open in different love formations, Most couple consultations are related to infidelity as if it were a drop that overflows the camel’s back. full.

Infidelity can be a one night standmaintain sporadically relationships with the same person or they can even wear a parallel life maintaining two relationships at the same time. Some people cheat by having sexual encounters without getting romantically involved, or there are those who They kiss but do not make another sexual approach. There are those who only they flirt or “hysterique”“, even those who fantasize about being with someone else but do not carry it out in reality.

The 10 reasons for infidelity in a couple:

  1. Lack of communication: If sincere dialogue and confidence to express feelings and concerns are lacking, emotional support is sought outside the relationship. Sometimes the silence is so strong that infidelity occurs to end a relationship due to the inability to talk about the things that happen in the couple.
  2. Monotony: Long-term routine life can generate the need for new emotions, adventures or curiosity about novelty.
  3. Unsatisfied sexuality: Lack of passion is often at the core of infidelity. When sexual desire cannot be satisfied in the intimacy of the couple, the temptation to look elsewhere can be irresistible, even if it is a physical impulse without sentimental commitment.
  4. Low self-esteem: When the person feels unattractive, sad, insecure or “old” they look for the “compliment”, attention and validation that they do not find in their partner in other romantic relationships.
  5. Incompatibility: The difference in values ​​and goals makes a person feel that they are not in tune with their partner, generating the search for someone who shares their way of life and aspirations.
  6. Digital Temptation: Social networks and dating applications promote opportunities to meet new people, facilitating emotional and physical infidelity.
  7. Lack of attention and time: Lack of attention, personal neglect, loss of interest or limited private time make the person feel valued and desired outside of the couple.
  8. Life problems: Illnesses, financial difficulties, losses, traumas and stress can lead to fights, sadness or frustrations, which can cause people to seek comfort or relief from another person.
  9. Revenge: Some people may resort to infidelity as an act of revenge to cause pain or insecurity in their partner as retaliation for something that happened previously.
  10. Opportunism and Impulsiveness: Infidelity can occur in a moment of irresistible impulsiveness or when an unexpected opportunity presents itself. In more extreme cases, there is addictive and compulsive behavior that leads the person to commit infidelity “for sport” or “just because.”

When infidelity occurs and is discovered, the relationship is darkened with negative feelings such as guilt, shame, pain and distrust.

Individual or couples therapy allows for greater communication, mutual commitment and respect to build solid and lasting relationships in today’s society.

Dr. Romina Abiad

Adult and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Psychotherapy and Coaching

Instagram: @doc.romi




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