Unexpected death brings tears to ‘Down the road’

The day started with good news: the young people were told that they could taste what it is like to drive a car. And not just the first car, but a real race car on the TT circuit of Assen. And if that wasn’t enough, they were also offered a driving lesson in a Tesla afterwards. The young people couldn’t believe their luck and were continuously filmed with a big smile on their face.

Bad news

In the evening the fun continues when they cook together and bake a cake. After dinner, however, the conviviality is brutally disrupted. Gordon has received a message from Thirza’s parents and takes her outside for a while. “I’m going to take you out of the group because something really bad has happened and your mom and dad are here to tell you.” Thirza already sees the storm coming. “I think I already know a little bit,” she stammers. Thirza is then told by her parents that her aunt has died, while the rest of the young people are unsuspectingly inside watching television.

Emotional moment

Gordon finally takes Thirza inside, so she can share the news herself with the group. “My aunt Jacqueline died in her sleep,” Thirza announces. “I have to leave tonight because tomorrow is the service and I want to be there. So I’ll be back tomorrow night. And I feel really bad for me.” The young people immediately burst into tears and sympathize with Thirza. When Thirza goes upstairs to grab her bag, everyone is defeated on the couch.

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When she comes downstairs to say goodbye, she gets a big hug from everyone. The moment causes emotion for the viewers, but also a laugh. When Thirza walks outside with Gordon not much later, she says that she has ‘a lot of typhus in it’, given that she had just as much fun.