Undertaking as a game changer: creating in uncertain times

We Argentines know very closely what it is like to undertake and work in changing contexts, crises, or going through complex situations in economic, social or political terms. Perhaps this expertise in adversity allowed us to develop the ability to be flexible and have innovation as the engine of change, two key factors that come together in the entrepreneurial world.

In this context, it is important to be aware of external situations and the different possibilities of action so that a business model can be sustained over time. It is necessary to know what is the value that is going to be offered to the market, to whom it is going to be directed, how it is going to be sold and how the income is going to be obtained.

These are the bases for making a sustainable plan. It is an analysis tool that allows you to know who you are, what and how you carry it out, at what cost, with what means and what sources of income you will have.

Knowing these elements later makes it possible to apply a future back strategy based on choosing different paths as the context changes. This leads to not worrying so much about the competition, but rather becoming different and relevant. The flexibility in being able to change course or have initiatives to modify some axis of the model is key to achieving the sustainability of the project and its success.

It is for restless

Entrepreneurs dream and, sooner or later, they act accordingly. Most of the time they are the ones who saw something that the rest didn’t. An entrepreneur thrives on lack and seeks challenges, that is, he does not settle for what is given.

Since many of the products and services are so similar to each other, the opportunity to surprise arises. Although the challenge is not easy, perhaps it is the best solution rather than settle.

It is about changing the rules of the game, hence they are called game changers. They go for an invention, discovery, concept or tool that causes a profound change in the way people act and work. That is, it alters the scenario in such a way that things are never the same again. The paradigm shift materializes in the mentality and way of doing things that is transmitted and this generates intrinsic changes with specific effects.

This characteristic is valued today by companies that need to turn around and provide useful, innovative services, as well as solutions designed for a user eager for better experiences and in search of added value, but also to be part of a competitive and changing context.

rule change

Disruptive ideas, entrepreneurial spirit, constant challenges, are just some of the characteristics that decision makers from different companies go through to make decisions in changing times.

The techniques applied and the way in which certain decisions are made in the face of obstacles are essential for the direction of the projects. Replacing intuition with data, from small to large scale, is important to achieve more efficient results.

In other words, we are talking about a change in the rules of the game thanks to a different and disruptive vision of reality. They are movements capable of setting trends that give an important turn to events from that moment on.

by Julián Sanclemente, CEO Alprestamo

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