Understanding for farmers ‘but you don’t hang the Dutch flag upside down’

The Dutch flag is still flying upside down in front of the town hall of Deurne on Friday afternoon. This is due to a farmers’ campaign that followed a call from the mayor to remove the protest flags along roads and at intersections and roundabouts. The result: even more flags and indignant residents.

Written by

Marvin Hop

‘Common sense that will get you further’, can also be read on the town hall. An elderly couple walks past the building and stops to look at it for a moment.

“I support the mayor in this case,” the man says. He believes that it is best to protest on your own property, but not in public buildings. “I have all respect for the farmers and their concerns, but in this kind of action they go too far. This is not necessary.” He indicates that next week there will be talks with mediator Remkes and farmers’ organizations. “You could be waiting for that now.”

Then hang up your own farmer’s flag.

The couple’s wife indicates that she really does not appreciate the action. “This is dishonoring our Dutch flag and I don’t like that. Then hang your own farmer’s flag.”

agree and disagree
But there is also sympathy for the flags in the public space and also for the town hall. “I completely agree with the farmers,” says a man who is loading and unloading on the Markt. “They just let the farmers suffocate. I fully understand that the farmers hang these flags.” Still, the man indicates that he does have trouble with the inverted Dutch flag.

The farmers just let them suffocate, I completely understand that the farmers hang these flags back.

He is not the only one in this, says a gentleman from Friesland who is on holiday in Deurne: “I have read several times in the newspaper that the Association of Veterans feels hurt, then you cross a border and you should not do that.” The man thinks you should stop hurting people. “In society, we all have to take each other into account.”

Flags at the Houtenhoekweg
Flags at the Houtenhoekweg

Mayor Greet Buter says that the flags at the town hall will be removed today, but that the rest of the flags in Deurne can remain until Sunday.

“This building belongs to all residents and some people are offended by this.” According to the mayor, hanging flags in public space is really something different than in people’s homes. “I am responsible for all residents and for safety.”

Buter indicates that she understands the concerns of the farmers: “It is important that the noises and frustrations are heard. There is a lot of uncertainty and it is important that attention is paid to this.” She thinks it is a step too far to hang the town hall full of flags. She indicates that farmers are always welcome for a conversation and that she really hopes that farmers will do so.

The mayor expects all flags to be gone by Sunday. Otherwise, the municipality will remove the flags at intersections and roundabouts. She is also not afraid that flags will be hung again afterwards. “I strive for a good conversation with these farmers.”

ALSO SEE: Call to remove flags, so farmers hang more
