Understanding for adjusting the maximum speed to 30 kilometers per hour: “It is a lot safer”

With the start of the installation of the 4,400 new signs, now with a sticker over them, the new maximum speed is getting closer every day. Today in the city there is mainly understanding about the speed reduction. “I think that makes people more alert.”

From December 8, the speed on about 80 percent of the city’s streets will be reduced from 50 to 30 kilometers per hour. The most important point of the municipality? It makes traffic a lot safer. “The new speed is a lot better,” said a woman on the street. “On the Rozengracht, for example, it is now really a horror to cycle.”

The municipality expects the number of accidents to be reduced by 20 to 30 percent as a result of the adjustment. The braking distance is a lot shorter at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour. “I think that makes people more alert. The cars don’t suddenly race past,” a boy responds to the adjustment.

To enforce

A woman on a bicycle is positive about the speed reduction, but also critical. “It is certainly safer, but people have to adhere to it.” The municipality wants to enforce the new speed with (flex) speed cameras and radar cars, but also with 30 smiley posts and a savings post on Meeuwenlaan.

But not everyone is looking forward to December 8. “I think it will make traffic a lot less fluid.” The municipality argues that the flow should improve as a result of the adjustment.
