Understand how they get to Trump

Everything indicates that Donald Trump will not have any obstacle, other than health or justice, to be the Republican Party candidate for president of the United States. And there are chances that he will win. The easy thing, from Europe, is to raise that moral superiority that is so colonial and explain everything by the nastiness of American voters. We should be a little more modest. That is the liberal and representative democracy of the world. What happened in Great Britain was an immediate precedent, but it was not the same. And what happened in France came a few years later. This context must be remembered before making value judgments about the electoral behavior of those people who, in addition, are global leaders in technology, commerce and science. Certain European intellectuals tend to despise those who do not think like them and they only admit the possibility that someone manipulates those who are different, they are denied the right to dissent, to think differently and act accordingly.

Reading the memoirs of Obama one understands his successor better. The Democratic president explains that he came to office because the electorate was fed up with the bipartisanship that existed in Washington and because of the ability that social networks provided him to mobilize traditionally abstentionist voters.. In part, with another ideological bias, Trump achieved his first presidency for the same reasons. Bipartisanship brings stability to democracies, but has the risk of impunity. Especially if it ends up covering up corruption or giving the impression that it does. From that impunity, real or fictional in the style of House of Cards, these new leaderships are born, which in the case of Obama gave rise to a historical milestone due to the accession of an African American to the presidency and in the case of Trump to giving the position to the simple and mere extravagance. If we do an exercise to understand how Americans come to opt for Trump or Argentines for Milei, it will still be easier for us to help them or prevent one of their own from governing us.
