Under the sign of Taurus

«Hyou ate capers and dates, Argentinian meat, lobsters and anchovy pies, / well, Claudio, you can’t consider yourself unhappy». How much appetite flows in the poetry of Alexandra Petrova, born under the sign of Taurus. You feel in writing about her a full-bodied, simple, direct sensuality.

The constellation of Taurus, celestial chart from “Urania’s Mirror” (1824) by Sidney Hall (photo Getty Images).

AND the emotion of Taurus, the most vital sign of the Zodiac, starts from reality that on April 21 he enters his house together with the new moon with a feeling of happiness tingling on him.

“It was time!” he exclaims. Life is finally turning right again. Much of the credit goes to Saturn in Pisces which gives the Earth sign a magnificent sextile that it results in stability and resolutions both in love life and in a professional relationship. Which restart the good mood of an Earth sign held back in recent years by the hostility of Saturn.

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But from April 21, Mercury also brings the word love back to the forefront. Fostering relationships and meetings. Without forgetting the sensuality of Mars in Cancer accomplice of this rebirth.

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How much will, smiles and bucolic desires are breathed in this sign who wants to enjoy life. Why appetite is love, nourishment, passion and a circle of the senses which translate into the words of Alexandra Petrova: «Forgive me if I don’t answer you / there are no words left. Only trees in me resonate.”

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