Under pressure from the CNIL, Google adds a button to refuse cookies in Europe

Google will (finally) allow European Internet users to simply “refuse” all cookies on its services. This decision announced April 21 is the direct result of a fine of 150 million euros imposed by the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL) in early 2022.

The CNIL demands “Refuse Everything” in the face of “Accept Everything”

Google has decided to get into the nails. On January 6, in addition to its hefty fine, the CNIL had threatened Google with a fine of 100,000 euros per day of non-compliance past three months.

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The French authority accused the American giant of misusing the collection of consent for cookies. The Internet user can either accept or “personalize” the follow-up. To refuse it en bloc, several manipulations are necessary, when accepting it is offered automatically.

the collection of consent on YouTubethe collection of consent on YouTube

Accept or accept to be tracked by cookies? Image: Century Digital

Since September 2020, France, like other European countries, has strengthened its cookie regulations. The asymmetry of “choice” proposed by Google has become illegal.

If the company does not admit having made this decision to avoid a fine, it should not be exaggerated, it admitted to having made this change ” Based on these conversations and the specific directives of the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL) “.

To get up to speed with regulations, Google explains that it has “ redesigned how cookies work on Google sites and made sweeping and coordinated changes to Google’s core infrastructure “.

the collection of consent on YouTubethe collection of consent on YouTube

The “Reject All” button hasn’t arrived to Siècle Digital yet, but it won’t be long. Image: Google

Users with a Google Account will not notice the changes. Consent is only requested when disconnecting or in private browsing.

Google, a friend of privacy?

Repentant, the company agrees that this change will allow a ” building a more sustainable future for the web “. Google is not losing the north by taking the opportunity to promote its Privacy Sandbox, intended to succeed cookies, while preserving privacy.

Google does not give a specific date on the deployment of the update, but it has already started. France will, of course, be the first country to benefit from it, then will come the European Economic Area (the European Union, plus Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein), the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

Facebook, fined 60 million euros for the same reason, at the same time as Google, has not yet communicated on the changes to come, or not.
