Uncertainty about Beau Schneider’s return to Soldier of Orange | Stars

“He made a mistake and missed a step somewhere,” spokesman Michiel Klerken said on Monday. “He bruised his foot with that, but that’s all that’s going on. It is of course annoying for him, but fortunately he has not broken anything and has not been unconscious.”

Schneider already announced on Sunday evening that he is in order. “I was seriously injured by my fall last night, but luckily didn’t break anything,” he reassured his fans on Instagram. The musical Soldier of Orange, which had its three-thousandth performance on April 30 of this year, was shut down for ten minutes after Beau Schneider’s fall. The performance was then resumed without him.


The producer says they will see how Schneider is doing in the near future and whether he is able to play again. That would be in consultation with him and, if necessary, a doctor, according to Klerken. The next performance is scheduled for Wednesday. “So now he has a few more days of rest.”

If Schneider – who plays the role of Fred, a friend of main character Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema – cannot play on Wednesday, he will be replaced by one of the understudy’s Mitch Blaauw or Folkert van Diggelen.
