Unbeaten series Hovocubo over, top match against FC Eindhoven decided by Bouzambou

Hovocubo lost the futsal top of FC Eindhoven tonight. Both teams were still without points in the competition. Saïd Bouzambou had an important share in the Eindhoven victory with four goals: 5-3.

The home team took the lead after six minutes in the top game against Hovocubo. Denzel van Houtem scored the opening goal, but Iliass Bouzit quickly equalized: 1-1. Saïd Bouzambou scored a 3-1 margin with two goals before half-time.

After the break it remained exciting, because Oualid Tarifit quickly made 3-2. Bouzambou then scored two more goals. Because Lahcen Bouyouzan had made 4-3 in between, the game ended in 5-3.

Due to the defeat, Hovocubo drops to second place in the ranking. VNS United, the other North Holland team that played tonight, lost 4-2 against BE’79. Tomorrow FC Marlène will play against Tigers Roermond.
