Un passo dal cielo 7, second episode previews: summary

Noin the second installment of One step from heaven (up tonight Rai 1 at 21.25) continues the investigation of Manuela Nappi on the death of her friend and informant Roberta. To help her we think “the man of the bears” Nathanwho wants at all costs to frame Lucian Paron. Meanwhile the body of a nineteen year old is found in a crevasse in the mountains of San Vito di Cadore. Someone brought the body there and it seems that his death is connected to that of Roberta.

Between one case and another Vincent she devotes herself to household chores and children. The relationship with Caroline it doesn’t go well at all: the policeman relies, unbeknownst to his partner, to one psychoanalyst to try to find the center of gravity in the pair. It won’t be easy. Manuela on the other hand is getting closer and closer to Gregorywho however has thoughts only for his missing wife (Roberta in fact).

One step from heaven 7: the previews of the second episode

On the mountains of San Vito di Cadore the lifeless body of a nineteen year old is found in a crevasse. It’s about Laura, a skilled motorcyclist, who leaves behind a father with Alzheimer’s disease. The girl’s body was taken there, Manuela are convinced (Giusy Buscemi) and his brother Vincenzo (Enrico Ianniello), who are investigating the case. Laura worked for Luciano Paron (George Marchesi). Who killed her and why? A Ukrainian boy, a friend of the young woman, with whom they had planned to leave, is arrested.

Actually Manuela discovers that Laura was in a relationship with martial lawyeralso involved in the case of Roberta. Roberta had discovered something about her of her shady dealings, shared with Paron. The problem now is finding the evidence. Manuela finds in Nathan (Marco Rossetti) an ally who tries in every way to help her, even at the cost of being arrested again. “The Bear Man”, as it is called Nathan over there, he wants to frame Paronbecause he is convinced that he is ad pollute the whole valley.

The attraction between Manuela and Gregorio

Gregory (Leonardo Pazzagli) is going through a delicate moment in his life, due to the death of his wife. The sculptor he can no longer sculpt after the loss of Roberta. This aggravates her economic situation: in fact he could be evicted and lose the power of his son Andrew. Manuela helps him: she takes care of her son after school and intends to model for his sculpturesas did Roberta. Gregorio tries to get back to work, but in front of him he sees only his wife. The attempt is in vain. Meanwhile, Manuela seems to be romantically involved.

Giusy Buscemi and Leonardo Pazzagli. (Rai)

The jealousy of Carolina and Vincenzo

Vincent, in addition to being a policeman, he is a desperate homebody. He is the one who takes care of the house and the children. Comrade Caroline (Serena Iansiti) is a career woman who just landed a big deal with Joe Bastianich. To join her in her vineyard comes the young assistant of Bastianich, a certain Hansa handsome than Carolina knows very well. The two dated as teenagers. In Vincentas an old-fashioned and southern man, jealousy flares up.

Not only. Jealousy will manifest itself in a more disruptive way also in Caroline. In fact, he notices that Vincenzo is detached, that with every ring of the phone he leaves to answer. What is he hiding from him? Does he have a lover? That’s what the thinks too trusty Huber (Gianmarco Pozzoli). Vincenzo actually started, secretly, sessions of psychotherapyto try to solve its block against Caroline: since she became a businesswoman she can’t live up to it. It will soon be discovered that the psychologist she is Hans’s girlfriend and that he has a problem similar to that of his client. On the analysis bed, the two will help each other. Only at the end of the episode will Carolina discover the truth.

