UN: Because of the Ukraine war, the biggest increase in costs in a generation

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – According to the UN, Russia’s war in Ukraine, along with other crises, has led to the largest cost increases in a generation. “For people around the world, the war in Ukraine threatens to unleash an unprecedented wave of hunger and misery, leaving social and economic chaos in its wake,” the United Nations said on Wednesday, speaking of 1.6 billion people worldwide living in the country affected by the complex crisis of war, Covid-19 and climate change.

More people are going hungry worldwide, the cost of energy sources is rising drastically, while the income of many workers has fallen. The number of people affected by food shortages has doubled in the past two years, said UN Secretary-General António Guterres. “There is only one way to stop this gathering storm: the Russian invasion of Ukraine must end.”/scb/DP/jha
