Ultimate cry for help: “New report proves that Ventilus can go underground”

Ultimate cry for help: “New report proves that Ventilus can go underground”

The research is by Filip Vanaeken. He has long stated in numerous reports that an underground line is the best solution for Ventilus. The Flemish government decided in November last year that Ventilus will come above ground. The route may be provisionally determined next week. Then there will be a public inquiry.

Also in other countries

In that new report, Filip Vanaeken writes that direct current connections are already being used in an existing alternating current network in other countries, such as in Germany and Italy. Direct current is needed for an underground solution. “In recent years, several connections with even greater power than the 6 GigaWatt from Ventilus have even been taken into use outside Europe,” he writes.

“DC connections in an AC network are even recommended to improve grid stability, which is becoming increasingly challenging due to the transition to volatile electricity generation with wind turbines and solar panels. In addition, some of these connections have one or more tap points, which can therefore also be a solution for Ventilus, without health risks.”

“Open Eyes”

“The government must now show its willingness to take these insights on board,” says Bart Dochy (CD&V), mayor of Ledegem and Flemish Member of Parliament. “This solution will also be submitted in the public inquiry. So this should be kept open as an alternative.”

“Nothing has changed with regard to November,” responds the cabinet of Minister of the Environment Zuhal Demir (N-VA). “The decisions in principle have been taken with the entire government.”
