Uli Borowka: The “Eisenfuss” turns 60 – NDR – Regional

“Perhaps I would have played a few more internationals, but I had a dispute with Berti Vogts,” the crowd favorite told the “Berliner Kurier”. Meanwhile, Rehhagel knows what Borowka has to offer and certifies that he has “consistently good performances”. On the other hand, the Bundesliga pros choose the uncompromising defensive player as the “least unpleasant opponent”. Borowka refers to those who don’t get along with his demeanor as “sissies”. He seems unassailable, but the facade of the strong man crumbles when the first rumors of alcohol abuse arise.

Alcohol addiction ends professional career

At Werder – as the former manager Willi Lemke reveals later – they have known about the problems of the alleged model professional for a long time, when in 1996 he crashed an expensive sports car drunk against a tree. The police determined a blood alcohol level of 1.71 in his blood. The father of two is an alcoholic, but tries to hide it. “When we were building a house for the family, I said to my wife: Hey, we’re going to put a cold room on there. It’s good for fruit and vegetables. When I was done, I sat down in the heat and drank a case of wheat beer.” , he revealed later.

The marriage falls apart and Borowka finally loses his footing. Within twelve months, two drunken assaults against his divorced wife are on record. Now Werder are also taking action and terminating the contract with the defender. “We always said, Uli, we give you people who know about it. He always denied that. Maybe we weren’t tough enough at the beginning,” Lemke told the “Berliner Zeitung”.

Unlucky coaching career – rehab in 2000

Borowka’s Bundesliga career is over. After an unsuccessful new start with fifth division club Tasmania Berlin and an unsuccessful engagement with Hannover 96, he became the first German professional to move to Poland in 1997. Widzew Lodz is the name of his employer, but he only works for him when the club is in the lead. After a few months, the former national player moves from there and back to Bremen. He tries his hand at FC Oberneuland as a coach, but is quickly fired there as well.

Borowka finally faces the ruins of his career and his life. Only now does he accept the toughest duel of his career and in 2000 he goes into rehab for four months. “It was tough, but it helped,” he proudly told the “Weser Kurier”.

Autobiography and association for addiction prevention

Borowka gradually regains footing. Other coaching activities at Berliner AK and Türkiyemspor are not crowned with success. In October 2012, the “dry alcoholic” published his autobiography with the title: “Full full. My double life as a professional soccer player and an alcoholic”. The strong response to his book and the taboo topic prompted Borowka, who was married twice, to set up an association “Addiction Prevention and Addiction Help eV” in 2013.

Since then he has been a regular guest in schools, companies and prisons to talk about his experiences. He has long established himself as one of the most prominent addiction experts. He sees himself as the first point of contact who puts those looking for help in touch with professional contact points. And of course as a front man in prevention, especially for children and young people. “The fact that I can reach young people at the age of 60 makes me particularly proud. And gives me the strength to continue.” Because the “Eisenfuss” is still fighting the toughest duel of his life against addiction to this day.
