Ukrainians welcome in residential care center in Ichtegem

Ukrainians welcome in residential care center in Ichtegem

Residential care center Hof De Meersseman will also make six convalescence homes available for refugees. These are always briefly occupied by patients who cannot go home immediately after hospitalization.

“Each flat has its own kitchen, bedroom and bathroom with shower,” says Eline Pollet, director of the wzc. “We want to give a warm heart to those people. The solidarity here among the team and the residents is very great. People also recognize this situation from their own war past.

Own war past

The Ukrainians are already welcome for the residents. ​”They are very welcome to me. And they can fill everything that is possible here. If I can, I will take it home myself,” says Maria Kimpe.

Most residents experienced the war themselves, or were told horrific stories by their parents. “I remember when I was a child, I crawled under the table with fear,” says Maria.

The first refugees will be welcome here at the end of this week. It remains to be seen what exactly is needed in terms of furniture.
