Ukrainians celebrate victory in Kherson with… watermelons | Abroad

The region has warm summers and is therefore known as a watermelon region. The fruit is an important export product and it also hurt Ukraine financially that the region had fallen into Russian hands.

Last week, Russian troops abandoned all towns northwest of the Dnepr River. Yet they still control much of the Kherson region, which lies on the other side of the river. But for the Ukrainians, the recapture of the regional capital of the same name symbolizes the reconquest of the entire region, including the melon fields.

Even high-ranking politicians like Kiev presidential bureau chief Andriy Yermak add melon emojis to their posts about Kherson. Several companies also included a watermelon in their logo. The Ukrainian Post announced that it would print a special stamp on the occasion of the victory in Kherson, with of course a watermelon on it.
