Ukrainians are not allowed to host the Eurovision Song Contest 2023

From BZ/dpa

The Ukrainian band Kalush Orchestra won the Grand Prix hands down. The ESC would actually belong to Ukraine. But nothing will come of it. Because of the war. There is strong resentment in the country.

The next Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) will not take place in this year’s winner, Ukraine, because of the Russian war of aggression. This was announced by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) on Friday in Geneva.

Instead, they want to hold talks with the BBC as to whether the ESC 2023 can be held in Great Britain. The Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) also confirmed the decision of the EBU. In Kyiv, the transfer was sharply criticized in an initial reaction.

In mid-May, the Ukrainian band Kalush Orchestra won the 66th ESC in Turin, Italy, with the hip-hop song “Stefania”, which, according to ESC tradition, would have set their country to host the competition the following year.

Especially in the audience ratings from all over Europe, the band was clearly ahead. Against the background of the war, the ESC party had not been more political than it had been for a long time, and the clear victory was understood by the public in many countries as a signal of solidarity. Russia had been excluded from the ESC because of the war.

Many Ukrainians enthusiastically celebrated the ESC victory. President Volodymyr Zelenskyj at the time: “Our courage impresses the world, our music conquers Europe! Next year Ukraine hosts Eurovision! For the third time in our history.”

But nothing will come of it now. In view of the ongoing war since the Russian invasion of this year’s winner country, the EBU claims to have taken the time to check with the Ukrainian broadcaster UA:PBC and other stakeholders how feasible it is to hold the ESC in Ukraine. There were also safety aspects. It was with deep regret that the conclusion was reached that the broadcaster could not guarantee the safety and operational guarantees under the current circumstances.

The Kalush Orchestra from Ukraine with frontman Oleh Psiuk (27), trademark pink hat Photo: dpa

The Ukrainian Minister of Culture Oleksandr Tkachenko called for the relocation to be withdrawn. “Because we believe that we can fulfill all the commitments we have made, which we have repeatedly emphasized to the EBU,” Tkachenko wrote on Facebook on Friday.

Tkachenko complained that Kyiv was faced with the fact of the transfer without a discussion about possible alternatives. “We have given answers and guarantees on the safety standards and the possible venue for the competition.” Holding it in Ukraine would send a strong signal to the whole world, which is supporting the country right now. Kyiv demands additional talks.

But if it stays that way, Great Britain could step up in the host role as runners-up from Turin. Discussions with the BBC about possibly hosting the competition in the UK will now begin, the EBU said. Ukraine’s victory at ESC 2022 should be reflected in the shows.

more on the subject

Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon showed willingness on Friday to bring the ESC to Glasgow, for example. “You can imagine a perfect venue on the banks of the River Clyde,” Sturgeon wrote on Twitter on Friday. “Indeed there could be several potential venues in Scotland.”

It is a tradition at the ESC that the winner’s country usually hosts the competition next year. But this is not a compulsory obligation. In the past, winners – for example because of the high costs of the spectacle – waived their right and passed the competition on to other participants. The British BBC stepped in as early as 1974. At that time, last year’s winner Luxembourg had renounced because a Grand Prix had already taken place there in 1973. The 1974 festival in Brighton went down in pop history with Abba’s performance of “Waterloo”.

There is even one participating country that, according to the rules, is never allowed to hold the ESC, even if it wins, that is Australia. If Down Under ever wins, another country will be selected automatically.
