Ukrainian president Zelensky received by King Philippe at palace in Brussels | War Ukraine and Russia

The Ukrainian president is on a European tour to request additional military support, particularly in the form of fighter jets and long-range weapons. On Wednesday he already visited the United Kingdom and France. On Thursday he addressed the European Parliament where he was received like a world star. The visit to the palace in Brussels was not planned in advance for security reasons.

King Philippe also expressed his support for Ukraine during his speech for the national holiday. “We will not let ourselves be played apart by the blackmail of a nuclear power that wants to break our solidarity with Ukraine. We will continue to support the Ukrainian people,” the king said.

LOOK. Wim Dehandschieter: “Audience with the king is absolutely exceptional”

Four questions about Zelensky’s audience with King Philippe

How exceptional is the meeting between King Philippe and President Zelensky?

“Absolutely exceptional,” said Wim Dehandschieter, royalty expert at VTM NEWS. “Normally, audiences with heads of state and presidents are always announced by the palace. We were not aware of this. It is very exceptional, but not unusual. When a head of state comes to Belgium, he often makes a detour past the palace, just think of US president Joe Biden, who combined an audience with the king with a NATO summit a few years ago.”

Why did King Filip invite Zelenky?

“It is an important moment for Filip to receive Zelensky in the palace. Filip has spoken out since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Last week, during a New Year’s speech, he expressed his support for the Ukrainian people against “Russian aggression”. Support for Ukraine has always been there. It is also the first time he speaks Zelensky. So far there has been no phone call or video chat.

“In addition, King Philippe now also joins an important list of world leaders (US President Biden, British King Charles III, French President Macron and German Chancellor Scholz) who have physically met Zelensky since the outbreak of war.

What did the two heads of state talk about?

“Nothing can leak out about the content, but of course it will have been about the war. Zelensky may have repeated his call for additional weapons. Prime Minister Alexander De Croo has already said that this is impossible, but he may have mentioned it again. After all, Filip is the commander-in-chief of the Belgian army. He cannot make decisions, but Zelensky can get certain points on the agenda through him.”

Why did Zelensky accept the invitation?

“Zelensky is working on a PR campaign. It is important to him to still put the war on the agenda of world leaders: attention to the war must not be allowed to fade.”

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When Zelensky was in the United Kingdom on Wednesday for a surprise visit, he was also received by the British King Charles at Buckingham Palace. The Ukrainian head of state and his wife Olena Zelenska last met Prince William and his wife Kate there in 2020. British channels showed the king warmly greeting the president. Earlier, Zelensky called the audience “an honor and a special moment”.

It was the first time that Zelensky had personally pleaded his case with the 27 European leaders since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. As far as is known, it is only the second time that Zelensky has left his country since the beginning of the war. In December, he paid a flash visit to US President Joe Biden in Washington.
