Ukrainian President: “Russia imports death”

Volodymyr Selenskyj (44) was greeted with much applause on Thursday in the Harmonie Hall at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Volodymyr Selenskyj (44) was greeted with much applause on Thursday in the Harmonie Hall at the Frankfurt Book Fair Photo: picture alliance/dpa

By Joerg Ortmann

What strong words…

The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj (44) was switched to the Frankfurt Book Fair on Thursday. In the Harmony Hall in the Congress Center he found impressive words for the audience. Many visitors had tears in their eyes.

Zelenskyj: “As you can see, two countries are now absent from the Frankfurt Book Fair, although they were regularly present before: Russia and Iran. They are less present in the field of culture and at the same time more present where everything is destroyed. Not just the culture, but also life and its foundations.”

He knows of targets hit by Iranian attack drones bought by Russia: power plants, water pipelines, ports and railway stations, warehouses with humanitarian supplies, schools. Zelenskyy: “Instead of exporting culture, Iran is exporting death. Instead of importing culture, Russia imports death and then spreads it to us.”

Zelenskyy is concerned about serious information: “There are still many public figures in Europe who promote ‘understanding’ for Russia and try to ignore the terrorist policies of such states as Iran.”


Frankfurt (Main) Book Fair News Ukraine war Volodymyr Zelenskyj
