Ukrainian port city of Odessa hit by Russian missiles shortly after grain deal

The Ukrainian port city of Odessa was hit by Russian missiles on Saturday. This is reported by international news agencies based on reports from the Ukrainian army. Two missiles are said to have hit the port, while Ukraine is said to have defused two missiles. The attack comes shortly after Russia and Ukraine’s separate grain deals with Turkey and the United Nations on Friday.

The parallel agreements should pave the way for the export of the large quantities of Ukrainian grain as well as Russian grain and fertilizer. Ukraine, one of the largest grain producers in the world, normally exports much of its grain through the port of Odessa. Due to the prolonged Russian blockade of Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea, some 22 million tons of grain and other agricultural products are waiting for export. A global food crisis is therefore looming.

Also read: this article about the grain deals of Russia and Ukraine with Turkey and the UN

The agreements should have ensured that cargo ships have safe passage to and from Odessa and two other Ukrainian ports. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry on Saturday called on the UN and Turkey to ensure that Russia adheres to the security agreements. The United States says it holds the Kremlin responsible for the missile attack. US ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink calls the attack “scandalous” and says Russia continues to “attack food.”

This article is also part of our live blog: Ukrainian port city of Odessa hit by Russian missiles shortly after grain deal
