Ukrainian nuclear company: Russian troops withdraw from Chernobyl

According to the Ukrainian nuclear company Enerhoatom, Russian troops have begun withdrawing from the occupied Chernobyl and Slavutych nuclear reactors.

Russian soldiers drove in two columns towards the border to Belarus, the group announced on Telegram on Thursday. The staff of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was informed in the morning about the planned withdrawal. The information could not initially be independently verified.

“A small number” of Russians remain in Chernobyl, it said. Another Russian column is withdrawing from Slavutych. After Russia’s invasion five weeks ago, the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which was damaged in 1986, and the nuclear power plant in Enerhodar in the Zaporizhia region are in Russian hands.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian authorities reported a “major regrouping” of Russian troops near Kyiv. Large columns are on their way to Russia, said the head of the Kiev military administration, Alexander Pavlyyk, according to the Unian agency.

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Each column consists of more than a hundred vehicles. Only now is it becoming clear how large the deployment of troops towards Kyiv was.

  (Photo: )
