Ukrainian Inna sings in the Elderly Song Contest final for her homeland

The Ukrainian Inna van de Velde-Tishchenko fervently hopes to win the final of the Elderly Eurovision Song Contest this time. Not so much for herself, but for her homeland. She has already been in the Grande Finale five times, but this year it is very special because of the war in the Ukraine where she once left for love in Wormerveer. “Here I feel safe, but emotionally I’m not and I’m on fire.”

Inna is in the final of the Elderly Song Contest for the fifth time. – NH News

In the Wilhelminapark in Wormerveer, she reflects on the turbulent events of the past year. She speaks of a tragedy and can hardly describe the emotional vortex she has found herself in. “When the war started, I couldn’t do anything. Only cry. It took months before I was able to do something for Ukraine.”

Even though she has been living in the Zaan region for years, the contact with family and friends is close. More than a year ago she was still in her home country. At that moment there seemed to be no problem in the air. “Of course there were tensions, but that this would happen between two brother peoples … Incomprehensible.”

“What is happening in Ukraine is a tragedy. They are two brother peoples”

Inna van de Velde-Tishchenko
Inna fervently hopes to win the Elderly Song Contest this year.

In recent months Inna has given several benefit concerts. “That was very nice and I was also so grateful that I could do something.” For the final on Sunday 11 December at DeLaMar, she will sing You raise me up in English; a song of hope. “A kind of prayer to rise above yourself. I put my hope in the mothers of the Russian soldiers. That they can stop this war.”

All finalists of the Elderly Song Contest can already be heard on the website. You can also vote there.

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