Ukrainian dogs and cats, the commitment of Lav and LCDN to save them

Limperative is: to help them. Ukrainian dogs and cats can no longer remain in the kennels of the besieged country. Hence the commitment of associations that deal with animals to request and organize humanitarian corridors and provide them with help.

The Odyssey of Beatrice

To rescue 36 dogs stranded in a kennel in Cherkasy, south of Kiev, Beatrice Rezzani, 25, rresponsible of the LAV Unit that deals with intervene in areas affected by disastersshe was ready for anything: «The animals no longer had food and they risked dying of hardship or due to the developments of the war», He says:« To recover them and bring them to safety in Italy we had to run across beyond 4,000 kilometres, got through five Villages And faced bureaucratic obstacles they seemed insurmountable. Lonly certainty, which we have had since the beginning, is that we wouldn’t have left those there dogs. We could not have ».

Ukraine, the little girl who sings “Let it go” from “Frozen” in the bunker makes everyone move

Volunteers ready to risk their lives

Andrei, one of the many Ukrainian volunteers who risk their lives every day to take care of animals in shelters, warned Beatrice of the emergency: “They give up on escaping, they embark on dangerous trips across the country to accompany Ukrainian cats and dogs to the borders »Continues Beatrice. “Or, when the shelters are too big to be evacuated, like the Sirius in Kiev, which houses about 3200 animals, they stay to bring food and medicine.” How real the risk they run is proves it the story of Alexandra Polashchuk, an animal rights activist who remained in Kherson to take care of the four legs hosted in the Homeless Pets shelter e died in a bombing. “The situation is truly dramatic. There are dogs that end up eating raw potatoes, with no more water to drink, they can’t stay there in those conditions “, continues Beatrice, and her voice seems to crack.: «I have cried all my tears these days. And one thing I understood: saving animals means saving people ».

Save Ukrainian cats and dogs to save people

Yes, because there are many, many people who, volunteers in kennels or owners of a large dog, they stay in Ukraine so as not to abandon. Evacuating animals is equivalent to freeing men. Not only: those who choose to leave are saved by the possibility of taking their pet with them. «How many women have I seen forced to greet husbands, brothers, children who had to stay and fight while they could leave. Allowing them to keep the family cat or dog with them is to relieve them of another bereavement, ”says the activist Lav.

Ukrainian dogs and cats in Odessa

Like Andrej, Olga also remained to manage the Loving Hearts shelter and her 180 dogs in Odessa. Thanks to Save the Dogs managed to evacuate 30 of them. After a long journey of over 15 hours and numerous obstacles to cross the Ukrainian border, the dogs have been looked after, there will be a future for them.

The appeal to the Russian embassy

Again, it is March 17th joint letter Of LNDC (National Dog League) Animal Protection and One World Actors Productions Animal Rescues / OWAP (French non-profit organization operating in high-risk countries) addressed to the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Italy to ask to be able to help dying dogs and cats between the district of Borodyanski and Kiev. That is to offer an answer to the cry for help of the Director of Veterinary Services of Kiev, Dr. Natasha Mazur: the Borodyanka municipal kennel hosts over 500 dogs and numerous cats abandoned to themselves and closed in cages without water or food since last February 27 .

Italy opens its doors to Ukrainian cats and dogs

The commitment of animal welfare organizations is also for Ukrainian dogs and cats who have left the country with their owners: thanks to their mobilization the Ministry of You knowlute issued a note that allows the entrance following refugees, even in the absence of a passport AndEuropean. But the commitment continues even when Ukrainian cats and dogs actually arrive in Italy: as in the case of two dogs who traveled with their owners, Helena, Sacha and Nina, who found refuge thanks to Lav (below the video of their story).

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Food, medicine and financial aid

And, of course, keep sending tons of basic necessities (life-saving food and medicines) intended for dogs and cats in border countries. Here the Lndc collection points in Italy where citizens can donate. But, of course, all associations accept financial aid.

