Ukrainian boy (5) dies after being hit by an electric scooter in Nice | Abroad

FranceIn Nice, in the south of France, a Ukrainian boy of barely 5 years old died yesterday after being hit by an electric scooter on Wednesday. The boy and his mother, both refugees from Ukraine, were walking together on the ‘Promenade des Anglais’ when the accident happened. The driver of the electric scooter was driving too fast, police said.

The victim was walking on the sidewalk with his mother. The two carried a bag together, but according to the French newspaper ‘Nice-Matin’ the boy was “a little ahead of his mother”. A 40-year-old man on an electric scooter had not seen them and was unable to avoid the child in time. The driver was driving too fast, police said. The 40-year-old fell and was also injured, but first tried to help the child.

The boy was taken to hospital in critical condition, but died of his injuries.

“avoiding tragedies”

The boy’s family fled to France shortly after the war in Ukraine started. “The family was closely monitored and guided by our services. It is an exemplary family, which is now in dire circumstances. We can all imagine how someone who has lost a child in such a tragic way feels,” said Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi.

Estrosi also emphasized on Twitter that he opposes electric scooters in traffic. “We are looking at all possible solutions to avoid such tragedies in the future, including traffic lights on bicycle paths,” it said.

According to the Nice police, accidents involving scooters and electric scooters are also increasing. The two-wheelers are very difficult to see, especially at night, and drivers would also “do not follow any traffic rules”, it says, among other things.

Also read:

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