Ukraine, Zelensky’s wife: 38 children killed

Lto war of the little ones. Olena Zelenska, wife of Ukrainian President Zelensky, shows it on social media. With a roundup of black and white images. It is not the frightened children in shelters to save themselves from the bombs nor those with the backpack on their shoulders who run away with their family to seek life elsewhere. Kirill, Polina, Sofia are the Ukrainian children who “will never grow up” because they died in the war in Ukraine.

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Ukraine: “They are killing our children”

The Russian occupiers are killing Ukrainian children. Consciously and cynically. Our children”. Thus begins the Instagram post by Olena Zelenska. A post to tell the most atrocious side of the war in which it is the little ones who pay the highest price. Sometimes to the point of losing your life. Here they are the Ukrainian children who are no longer there. “Kirill, 18 months from Mariupol, was rushed to hospital by his parents. He was injured by the bombing and the doctors could not do anything. Alice of Okhtyrka should have turned eight. But she died in the bombing with her grandfatherwho was protecting her. Polina of Kiev died during the bombing in the streets of our capital, together with his parents and brother. Her sister is in critical condition. Arseniy, 14 years old. A fragment of the bullet hit his head. Doctors were unable to reach the boy under the gunfire. Arseniy bled to death. Sofia, 6 years old. She, along with her one and a half month old brother, mother, grandmother and grandfather were shot dead in their car. The family was trying to leave Nova Kakhovka ».

At least 38 children died

Words that come like a punch to the stomach are those shared by the Ukrainian first lady. «I have to tell you. At least 38 children have already died in Ukraine. And this figure could increaseHe writes. “These are the faces of the children who will never grow up“.

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Show them to Russian moms

Ukrainian children

Then, appealing to all the people of the web and imploring respect for the humanitarian corridors, he asks to show these photos to Russian mothers. Tell Russian mothers: let them know what exactly their children are doing here in Ukraine. Show these photos to Russian women: your husbands, brothers, compatriots are killing Ukrainian children! she adds.

Also addressing NATO: “Save our children, because one day they will save yours”.

