Ukraine women: the escape from the war to play the European 5-a-side

The Ukrainian girls are training ahead of the Final Four of the continental tournament, which will take place in Portugal in early July

From war to futsal (indoor 5-a-side football) passing through Bologna. It is the journey of hope of the Ukrainian women’s national team towards the Final Four of the 2022 European Championships, scheduled from 1 to 3 July in Pavilhão Multiusos de Gondomar (Oporto), Portugal. The opponent will be Spain, while in the other semifinal Hungary will face the hosts. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian girls with an extended staff are preparing in the Emilian capital where they will stay until tomorrow and then fly to Paris, a stage of approach to the Portuguese event. In Bologna, the Ukrainian girls and their staff are guests of the National 5-a-side Football Division at the express request of UEFA and train with the collaboration of Lavoropiù, a Bolognese temporary worker company very present in sport (it was a sponsor of Fortitudo basketball) and in the social sector by developing employment projects for foreigners

The captain’s words

Iuliia Forsiuk, captain of the Gialloblù national team explains the situation of the team: “We are thrilled to be able to train after we could not train for three months because of the war – he says -. It was not easy to reorganize and find ourselves again, many of us had run away. from Ukraine. I play for a team from Kiev and my family is still there: going to Portugal means showing that Ukraine is still standing and that it has no intention of giving in to Russia. “
