Ukraine vows not to use Western long-range weapons to attack Russian territory | War Ukraine and Russia

The new long-range weapons promised by the United States to Ukraine will not be used on Russian soil. Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said.

The weapons will only be used on Ukrainian territory to target Russian troops, it said during a press conference in the Ukrainian capital Kiev. “We always declare to our partners that we are committed not to use the weapons supplied by foreign partners in Russia, but only on their units in the occupied Ukrainian territories,” Reznikov said.

The US supplies missiles with a range that is almost twice as long as the US HIMARS missiles that the Ukrainians already have. The Western allies want to prevent Kiev from using the missiles to strike Russian territory, which would mean an escalation of the conflict.


According to Reznikov, the Russians have moved their headquarters and command posts up to 100 kilometers from the front, as well as ammunition and fuel depots, so that Ukrainian missiles cannot hit them. That complicates things logistically, but guarantees they can prepare for an attack. The Ukrainian minister expects a new Russian offensive in the course of this month.

Western arms supplies will not arrive in time to repel such an offensive, but Kiev has “sufficient reserves” to repel such an attack, the defense minister said.

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Russian troops have made tentative progress in recent weeks in the east of the country, where most of the fighting is now taking place. The center of gravity is currently in the city of Bachmoet. Whether Ukrainian troops will withdraw from Bachmut is a decision for the General Staff, Reznikov said on Sunday. But according to him, the city remains “a fortress, a symbol”.
