Ukraine, Vavassori returns to Italy: “I’m tired of the war”

The announcement in a post on Instragram. The 29-year-old former Pro Patria footballer and adopted son of Alessandra Sgarella, kidnapped in the 90s by the ‘Ndrangheta, had enlisted in the international brigades to fight alongside Kiev

“I’m going home”. Luca Ivan Vavassori, the 29-year-old former footballer, adopted son of Alessandra Sgarella, kidnapped by the ‘Ndrangheta in 1997 and died in 2011 of an illness, has decided to leave Ukraine and the atrocities of the war. “I’m fed up – writes Vavassori in the post published on Instagram, in Spanish -, that’s enough for me. It’s time to go home, I no longer have the head to go on. I did everything possible to help. I took time and life available to the Ukrainian people, but now it is time to take my life back. I go back to where I am happy and I come back to take back everything that is mine. Things have changed a lot since I left, but I am sure that with the help from God I will reach my goals. And she (referring to a woman) is in first place in these “. The words are accompanied by a photo of an airplane porthole.

Soccer player

The young Italian, born in Russia and adopted by Sgarella and Pietro Vavassori, owner of Italsempione, a company in the logistics branch, had enlisted as a volunteer in the international brigades to fight alongside the Kiev army. In recent weeks he appeared to have been missing in an attack near Mariupol. Then, again through social media, Vavassori reassured everyone about his health conditions. The boy also has a past as a footballer with Legnano, Pro Patria, Bra and an experience in Bolivia, in the Real Santa Cruz team.
