Ukraine, the national judo team in Rome. Zantaraia remains in Kiev: “Armed to defend the city”

Arriving on Monday at the federal Olympic center in Ostia, 36 Ukrainian athletes are preparing for the European Championships. Coach Dubrova: “But our heads are elsewhere”. The former world champion in a bunker in Kiev: “Putin is not a judoka, but an aggressor”

Tired faces, deep and dull eyes, but still with the strength to smile. The Ukrainian national judo team made its arrival on Monday at the Federal Olympic Center in Ostia: 16 athletes and 8 staff members who, at the outbreak of the war, were in Spain for an internship with the European federation and who, although of enlisted age, have decided not to return to his homeland to fight, accepting instead the invitation of Fijlkam (Federation of judo, wrestling, karate and martial arts). A couple of days ago, 8 other athletes joined the group who arrived exhausted directly from the border. “We have received a lot of support – commented Nataliia Chystiakova, reigning European junior champion in the 70kg category – from Spain we went to the Czech Republic and now we have decided to come here to Italy. My family is fine, they live about 100 km from Kiev, Fortunately there are no bombings to the West and the war has not yet come, but many of my other teammates do not have the same luck: their relatives and friends are in trouble, some have fled, others are in Ukraine fighting. this period here we will prepare for the Antalya Grand Slam and for the European Championships, but it will not be easy because our thoughts are always at home “.


Natalia is the only one of the group who speaks fluent English. Having to translate for everyone she is exhausted, but she always makes herself available, as for the thousand interviews made the day they arrived in Ostia. The group spends the days between one training session and the next with the Azzurri present at the Olympic Center, the first days there was little talk, a little because of the difficulty of communication, a little because of the tension linked to the conflict situation. But then it was judo that spoke for everyone: “Sport never divides, sport unites – underlined the blue director Laura Di Toma -. It is important to give everyone the opportunity to continue training and compete because energy and the tension that builds up in difficult situations like this can find a positive way of employment. Violence is never a valid option, those who practice judo know it. ” “We really want to thank all Fijlkam for hosting us given our situation – commented Vitaly Dubrova, historic coach of Ukraine -. Our goal is to try to train in view of the Grand Slam in Antalya and the European Championships, but it will not be easy to concentrate. : technically we can do it, but our heads are elsewhere. We are honored to train with the Italian national team, there are athletes of value, it will give us stimulus to compare ourselves with them every day and it will do us good “. The first week passed between intense training and moments of relaxation, and so it will continue until March 29, with some trips planned, breathing the sea air and visiting Rome. “When this tragedy happened I wrote to the Ukrainian federation giving our willingness to host the team – recalled the president Fijlkam Domenico Falcone” -. On behalf of the entire federation and the Italian judo movement, I express full and unconditional solidarity for the absurd and dramatic events that are affecting Ukraine. I want them to see our Olympic Center as their home, today, tomorrow for the future. In the meantime, our support will continue with the collection of useful materials for Ukraine in collaboration with voluntary associations. “Daria Bilodid is not in Italy, but still far from the war. The Ukrainian judo star, Olympic bronze and two times world champion weighing 48 kg, she remained in Spain, where she took refuge with her family welcomed by Valencia International Judo.


And there are those who have chosen not to run away, but to stay and fight. Like Georgii Zantaraia, the former Ukrainian world and European champion who only eight months ago competed in the Tokyo Olympics, while now he is in a bunker in his Kiev: “The Games seem like a lifetime ago – he told in an interview with Republic-. Now my present is to be here, together with my people. I resist in a bunker with ten friends. My wife and my children are in Poland, my mother and my brother are doctors and continue to work here in Kiev. parents left Georgia in ’92, I’m not leaving until it’s over. ” Returning from Tokyo, Zantaraia devoted himself to politics as a member of the Kyiv City Council. He responded to the Russian invasion by arming himself: “Everyone here is armed, we are defending our country, our cities. It is a terrible situation, buildings and houses of civilians are being bombed, many children are being killed, it is absurd”. And in his words also an attack on Putin who before the conflict was honorary president and ambassador of world judo (a position later raised by the IJF): “A judoka would never do this. Putin is not a judoka, he is only an aggressor”.
