Ukraine reports new attacks on Azovstal in Mariupol

Kyiv (dpa-AFX) – According to the Ukrainian military, Russian troops have tried again to storm the Azovstal steelworks in the port city of Mariupol. “With the support of the air force, the enemy renewed their attack with the aim of taking control of the factory premises,” the Ukrainian General Staff said in its situation report on Wednesday morning.

In addition to the Ukrainian fighters, it is estimated that up to 200 civilians have also sought refuge in the steelworks. For the next few days, Russia has announced a daily ceasefire of several hours to allow these people to get to safety.

The situation also remains tense on other front sections in the Donbass. Accordingly, the Ukrainian troops in front of Donetsk are under heavy fire from artillery and air force. The Russian military is trying to initiate further attacks on the towns of Liman, Popazna and Sieverodonetsk. According to their own statements, the Ukrainians were able to fend off the attacks.

The General Staff reported one success from the southern front: According to this, the enemy had been able to wrest control of several towns on the border between the Cherson and Mykolaiv regions. The Kiev military leadership did not give any details or place names. The information could not be verified independently./bal/DP/eas
