Ukraine reopens humanitarian corridors after closure due to Russian attacks

The Government of Ukraine announced this Thursday the opening of a total of nine humanitarian corridors in the country, most eastern and southern areasafter having kept them closed yesterday for the ceasefire violations by the Russian military, according to official sources.

Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister, Iryna Vereshchukannounced in his telegram account the opening of these humanitarian corridors to allow the evacuation of citizens from the areas most affected by the conflict and to bring essential products.

The most problematic is the open corridor from the besieged Mariupol city, which has been surrounded by Russian troops since almost the beginning of the invasion of the country, on February 24. In this port city on the Sea of ​​Azov, practically destroyed by bombing, there remain, according to the authorities, about 100,000 of the more than half a million residents that he had before the start of the war.

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Vereschuk reported that from Mariupol, and the nearby towns of Berdyansk, Tokmak and Energodar a corridor will be established until Zaporizhia which can be traversed in own transport. Meanwhile, the humanitarian corridors in the region of Luhanskself-proclaimed independent republic recognized by Moscowthe corridors will operate subject to the cessation of bombing by the occupying forces.

In that area, which is part of the donbasbordering Russia, is where it is expected that a strong russian offensivegiven that it is a region where pro-Russian armed groups operate.
