Ukraine, pregnant woman and child symbol of Mariupol died

The Russian bombing of Mariupol hospital (AP Photo / Evgeniy Maloletka, File)

Lhe photo of her lying on the stretcher trying to protect the life she carries in her womb from the horror of war has gone around the world. The pregnant woman became the symbol of the attack on the Mariupol hospitalbombed by the Russians last Wednesday, He did not make it. She died with her baby.

Ukraine, the Russians bomb and destroy a children's hospital in Mariupol

Ukraine, the Russians bomb and destroy a children's hospital in Mariupol

Ukraine, pregnant woman, symbol of Mariupol, dead

The news was reported by the news agency Associated Press. Immediately after the bombing of the Mariupol hospital, the woman was transferred to another hospital. Here she would have undergone a caesarean operation but the baby he was carrying in her womb showed no signs of life.

The crushed pelvis

The surgeon who operated on the woman, Timur Marin, told theAssociated Press that the young mother’s pelvis had been squeezed and her hip detached. Apparently, as reported by the BBC, that she realized she was about to lose the baby and asked the doctors to let her die. During the caesarean, then, the awareness that also there was nothing more for her to do. Doctors said they didn’t have time to take the woman’s name before her husband and her father went to retrieve her body.

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The happy ending of Mariana

Same story but with a different ending for Mariana Vishegirskaya, the other woman who is the symbol of the bombed hospital. Even the image of him in the polka dot pajamas and the bloody face made the rounds of the web. But she did it: gave birth to her baby girl. A sign of hope in the midst of endless horror.

